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Promoting Professional Development and High Quality Early Childhood and School-Age Programmes

National Organizations
New York State Partners

The following links contain general information about early childhood and school-age organizations and programs. Additional links to colleges, universities, training organizations, college financing organizations, and other sites with more specific information are included in the Career Development Resource Guide, College and University Database, and the Training Resources Database.

A. National Organizations

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) - NAEYC is the largest membership organization of people working and/or interested in early childhood.  

National Association of Child Care Resource and Agencies (NACCRRA) - NACCRRA is the national network of more than 850 child care resource and referral centers (CCR&Rs) located in every state and most communities across the nation. CCR&R centers help families, child care providers and communities find, provide, and plan for affordable, quality child care.

National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) - NBCDI is a national organization dedicated to improve and protect the quality of life of African American children and their families.  

National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) - NAFCC is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting quality child care by strengthening the profession of family child care.   

National Head Start Association (NHSA) - NHSA is the national organization dedicated exclusively to meeting the needs of Head Start children and their families.

United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF) - ACF is the federal agency that funds head start programs and the NYS Head Start Collaboration Project. 

B. New York State Partners

New York State Association for the Education of Young Children (NYSAEYC)- Is the state affiliate of the national organization. NYSAEYC has local chapters in most communities in New York State, sponsors an annual state conference, and administers the Children's Program Administrator Credential and the Infant/Toddler Care and Education Credential.  

New York State Early Care and Learning Council - a statewide, not-for-profit, membership organization dedicated to promoting excellence in early care and education with equal access for all families. This is accomplished primarily through the support of and in partnership with a strong network of community-based organizations that provide Child Care Resources and Referral services.

New York State Council on Children and Families (CCF) - CCF is a state agency charged with acting as a neutral body to coordinate the state health, education, and human service systems to ensure that all children and families in New York State have the opportunity to reach their full potential. In this capacity, the Council works on a variety of issues and projects related to early childhood care and education, school-age child care, and family literacy.

New York State Education Department Universal Prekindergarten Program - SED is the state agency that funds the Universal and Experimental Prekindergarten Programs.  

New York State Family Child Care Association - The Family Child Care Association of New York State, Inc. is a non-profit, professional statewide organization dedicated to supporting family child care providers and associations. Members include advocates of quality childcare - providers, parents, and agency staff. 

New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)- OCFS is the state agency responsible for licensing and regulating child care programs in New York State. OCFS also manages the Child Care Block Grant, which provides financial support to low-income families so that they can afford the costs of child care, and a number of initiatives designed to improve the quality of early childhood and school-age programs.