PLEASE NOTE: The forms in this section are available in both MS Word forms and PDF formats. The MS Word forms allow you to fill out information on your computer as long as MS Word is already installed. The PDF format requires that Adobe Acrobat is installed on your computer. The PDF versions cannot be edited on the computer, but you can print them out and fill in information by hand. To open a form, choose a format and click on the link provided.
Self Assessment Plan
Professional Development Plan
Other Action Steps
"How can I plan a career working with children?"
To prepare for any trip, you have to start at the beginning, decide where you want to go, how you will get there, and what you will need to bring. Preparing for your professional development requires the same steps. This section will help you assess where you are, where you want to go, and what it will take to accomplish your goal.
"What education will I need to complete my career goals?"
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"What does a person working with children need to know?"
Competency in any occupation is measured by the ability of a person to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are specific to their field. Knowledge is the awareness of facts and information. Various positions require broader, deeper knowledge and different jobs require different kinds of knowledge even in the same field or program. Skills are learned abilities specific skills are linked with certain positions. Attitudes are the personal characteristics that show our feelings or opinions. All three, knowledge, skills, and attitudes are needed at varying levels in order to function effectively in a job.
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"What are the knowledge, skills and attitudes that I need to develop or improve?"
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Experience to learn skills: Perhaps you need some experience to increase your skills in this field. Describe here how you plan to obtain the needed experience.
Record: Write here the ways you have accomplished the above goal
Attitudes: Write here some attitudes that you need to cultivate to be more effective in your career.
Record: Write here how you will work on these attitudes
(it may be by enlisting a friend to help you, read motivational books,
reduce your own personal stress, or seek the assistance of a person in
your intended field to help you).