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Promoting Professional Development and High Quality Early Childhood and School-Age Programmes

Welcome to the Career Development Resource Guide!

Follow the links below or to the left to go to any section of interest.

Introduction – Provides information about how the guide was developed, ways of using it, and acknowledgement of those who contributed to the guide. Please review this section before using the tool for the first time.

Explore Settings – Provides information about the variety of early childhood and school-age programs from Small Center Child Care and Nanny settings to Public School and Special Education programs.

Exploring Positions – Provides extensive information about 17 different types of positions and required qualifications.

Career Planning – Provides tools to help individuals identify their strengths, improvement areas, and a professional development plan.

Preparing to Learn – Provides a general overview of the many ways that people can receive training, take classes, qualify for certification, earn college degrees, and receive financial aid. Also, see the two databases below.

Preparing for Employment – Provides basic information about preparing a resume, professional portfolio, job search, and interviews.

Professional Development – A special section for working early childhood and school-age professionals who are interested in developing new skills and furthering their careers.

Colleges and Universities – A directory that identifies all colleges and universities in New York State that offer programs for people interested in careers in early childhood and school-age care.

Training Resources – A directory of New York State organizations that provide training on topics of interest to people working in early childhood and school-age programs

Early Learning Trainers Registry – A directory of Early Learning trainers according to geographic location, area of expertise and credential level.

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