EarlyChildhood.org is a one-stop information source for exploring careers in early childhood and school-age child care programs, as well as information on career advancement. This site also includes information that supports quality improvement. This website was developed by the NYS Council on Children and Families Head Start Collaboration Project to support professional development and improve quality early childhood and school-age programs.
NYS Child Care, After School, and Home Visiting Programs Locator
The Council on Children and Families maintains the NYS Child Care, After School, and Home Visiting Programs Locator. This website provides multiple tools and contact information to assist parents, new parents, and expectant families in their search for child care and services for young children.
Career Development Resource Guide
A one-stop source of information on careers and career planning in early childhood and school-age programs.
Core Body of Knowledge
A listing of the competencies that people working with children birth to age eight need to provide high quality services.
Credential Programs
Information on programs that have been established to improve the competencies of people working with children and their families including: Children's Program Administrator Credential, NYS Early Learning Trainer Credential, Family Child Care Credential, Family Development Credential, Infant and Toddler Care and Education Credential, and the School-age Child Care Credential.
College and University Degree Programs and Training Resources
Easily searchable databases where you can find out information on degree programs related to early care and education available at colleges and universities in New York State, statewide training resources, and Credentialed early care and education trainers.
Comparison of Early Childhood Program Standards
A database that allows the user to obtain information on program quality by comparing five different sets of standards by topic area.
QUALITYstarsNY is a Quality Rating and Improvement System developed by New York State for early care and education programs. The system, recognizes, encourages and rewards the improvement of quality in all child severing settings.
Partner Links
A listing with links to the websites of several national and state organizations of interest to people in early childhood and school-age programs.
A listing of New York State early childhood publications that are useful for early childhood professionals.